The AES Corporation in Panama

User submitted article:

“Cultural Survival ( deal with indigenous rights issues. They are looking to spread the word about a crisis that is happening in Panama.

AES Corporation has already begun bulldozing the houses of Ngobe Panamanian Indians in preparation for the construction of a hydro-electric dam. The Ngobe people have led non-violent protests against the destruction of their homes and land only to be met by physical abuse and intimidation from AES Corp. and the Panamanian government. We have photos of a recent incident that turned so bloody and violent that the images would make your stomach turn. AES promotes themselves as an environmentally responsible company but they have yet to produce acceptable scientific analysis on the effects that the dam will have on the Changuinola River’s eco-system, which will be destroyed once the dam project is completed. They also claim to co-operate with the communities within the areas where they do business, but they have tricked Ngobe people into signing documents giving up the rights to their land. When AES hasn’t been able to obtain signatures they’ve physically forced Ngobe people to abandon their homes.

We would like to put pressure on AES to be more socially and environmentally responsible by spreading the word to consumers and shareholders about AES contradictory actions. Please write back with any questions or inquiries, and for more coverage of this story please check out our publication at”

For further information please contact Tara Weaver at Cultural Survival.

Tara Weaver

Cultural Survival

215 Prospect Ave,

Cambridge, Ma 02139

tel. 617-441-5400

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